Monday, October 24, 2011


STENCILS: Make Sweet Rad and Handy stencils out of magazines to create DIY murals

1.      Pick out your tracing design. Choose anything from just simple shapes, like bikes, food, buildings, trees, words, wine glasses, men in suits, girls in bikinis, whatever you want. I chose Koi fish because I just went to a park that had huge ponds with Koi fish everywhere.

Trace or draw the main stencil
                                             2.      To make it easy for yourself, take a design from a magazine, or print a shape out and use that as your main stencil. I free-handed three different fish from pictures I took from the pond.

Cut out stencil
3.      Pick out whatever color paper you want to use. If you use magazine paper you can take it off the wall easier than newspaper if you use stick glue to apply.
Make different styles

                  4.      Make as many as you want. Stack the paper on top for an easy multiple-at-one-time cuttings of each stencil.
Choose cool paper, I did orange and blue magazine paper

Make a lot and you can have a huge wall mural

Relaxing fish mural finished
                          5.      Fin. Pick any way to arrange, think about the space. I chose a circular pattern to emulate an underwater feeling. Do this with any kind of stencil. Amaze yourself at your ability! For those of you who cannot draw anything except stick figures, this can help you impress your friends when you tell them you made it. Choose any design and just cut around the edges without you having to do any actual drawing. Just make multiple copies and voila! Amazingly simple.

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